“For decades now, I have either worked alongside Brian and Julia, from The Good Knights, as employees, or Consultants, and can wholeheartedly vouch for their credentials.  They have an extremely strong reputation within the Motel/Accommodation Industry for their commitment, passion and understanding of this challenging yet rewarding field of business.  Having been involved in the Motel game myself, there have been many occasions where the three of us would spend invaluable time together, either face-to-face or on the phone, swapping experiences and banter, whilst at all times learning from each other and improving our respective businesses.  For those considering seeking any assistance with Accommodation Industry related matters, whether you’re already involved or considering joining for the first time, you’d be hard pressed to find two more delightful, humorous and knowledgeable people to have a chat to.  With absolute confidence, I highly recommend contacting Brian and Julia and please say gidday for me !